Saturday, September 8, 2012

Maple Taffy- A taffy made onto the snow!

What is a taffy? A taffy is a chewy candy similar to toffee. It is made by pulling and stretching an amount of boiled sugar mixed with flavorings until they are fluffy.

We are all familiar with this type of candy, but have you ever heard of a maple taffy?

A closer look on the Maple Taffy 
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Maple Taffy :)
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Maple Taffy is a dessert in Canada. It is made from boiled maple sap which turns into maple syrup after. It is popular among Canadians for it is a delicious and an easy to do treat.

Maple sap poured onto the snow
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The Maple Sap is poured onto the snow! Who would imagine snow as a tool for dessert? I never did.
Most people find it weird, but this is true. The sap is poured onto the snow and is then lifted with a fork, a popsicle stick or a small wooden stick making it look like your own lollipop.

A stick being rolled to make a maple taffy lollipop :)
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Maple Taffy is also known as Sugar on Snow and the great thing about it is that, there is not much effort in making this sweet treat for you, your family and your friends. This is indeed an easy dessert and a fun thing to do too!
A skier enjoying Maple Taffy
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People have found a new thing to do with snow besides the usual snowballs and snowmen this is to make their own maple taffy. You can do this anytime as long as you have snow in your country. :) Too bad we don't have winter here. :\

1 comment:

  1. You're using the fourth photo without permission or proper attribution. ("A stick being rolled to make a maple taffy lollipop :)")

    Please remove it from this post. Thank you.
