Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Japan's Mochi Ice Cream

Japanese Mochi Ice Cream
Image source:http://farm4.static.flickr.com

Italians have the Gelato, and what do Japanese have? They have their very own Mochi Ice cream!

What is a mochi?

Mochi is made from pounded sticky rice. It is small and and round and is traditionally served during the Japanese New Year.

 However, mochi today is presented in an interesting and a yummy way.

Mochi Ice Cream is served on the market today. It is mochi which contains ice cream on the inside, then dusted off with corn starch.
Preparation for Mochi Ice cream
Image source:http://www.serving-ice-cream.com

What's cute with this ice cream is that the mochi colors match the flavors of the ice cream.
Chocolate and Strawberry flavored Mochi Ice cream

 Nowadays, there are innovations made when it comes to the Mochi Ice cream. Do you know what it is?

Instead of the usual ice cream filling, gelatos are also used as a substitute and it is called "Mochilato". Because it contains gelato, these are creamier that those of the ice cream filled ones, and can be found on places like Southern California.

Anyway, Mochis are colorful. They can be sold individually and in packs of six but it can be expensive too. Like the Italian Gelato, there are also a lot of flavors to choose from when it comes to the Mochi Ice cream.
Some popular flavors are red bean, green tea, vanilla and chocolate.

Other Mochi flavors. :)
Image source:http://catonwine.files.wordpress.com

The Japanese Mochi Ice cream is now popular around the world, some countries that are in to the goodness of the Mochi Ice Creams are the United States, The Philippines and and Hawaii.

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