Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Cookie Monster's Cookie Addiction

We have been aware of Cookie Monster in the classic Sesame Street, and he has been chewing on chocolate chip cookies all the time ever since! But did we even bother ask why is he addicted to them? 

I guess not, because I didn't. I just found this blue puppet adorable even though he is a certified chow-hound. Little did I know that there is something to Cookie Monster's Addiction, I researched it and it goes like this:

"Few muppets are as utterly pathetic as The Cookie Monster. He may not be a cartoon, but he still can’t control his urges. Slobbering, arms flailing wildly, and barely capable of even putting together a simple sentence, The Cookie Monster is epitome of a late stage junkie. The Cookie Monster spends every day of his life looking for cookies and eating cookies. He’s so far gone he’ll even eat anything remotely cookie shaped if he can’t get his hands on a real one. Hell, the dude even ate an entire motorcycle once. Years of cookie abuse have left his eyes permanently googalized, his fur an unhealthy shade of blue, and his grammar Tarzan-level at best. “Me eat cookie!” he screams. But no one on Sesame Street has the courage to yell at him, “You go rehab!”

At least The Cookie Monster comes by his addiction honestly. Cookie’s father, mother, sister, and even his cousin are all food addicts. Cookie learned early that there was an unfillable void in the center of him that could only be filled by stuffing his face with any cookie he could get his shaking hands on. As his addiction progressed, everything else fell away. Things got so bad that he even forgot his real name. Years of shoving cookies down his mouth had driven him insane. This Cookie Man had finally become a Cookie Monster."- Source: grub.grunaxin.com

There! Our question has been answered! We won't be wondering why Cookie Monster is crazy about them. Cookie Monster even said that before he ate his very first cookie, his name was SID! He was too addicted to cookies, that he forgot about it. Do you all know his signature song? It's also about cookies! C is for Cookies :D

Oh, by the way, Chocolate chips are his first favorite cookies, and second to his list are oatmeal cookies. Me want cookie too! Omnomnom! :) 

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